Sunday, March 15, 2009


War doesn’t make sense. Fighting doesn’t solve anything. If it did, we wouldn’t have fought 42 revolutions only to end up fighting one more. Nothing good comes out of these revolutions. Every time a government is overthrown, a new one steps in and promises that life will be perfect from now on. But every time a new government steps in, things just get worse so the fighting happens all over again. The wars tear families apart. My family might already be dead because of this war. If the fighting hasn’t reached my village yet, then they’ll have died of starvation of disease. I was the only one supporting the family and that was hardly enough. Without me, they don’t have a chance. The only ones who are better off with the wars are people like Juan. These people are so blinded by hatred that they do not even see that they are the problem. It is people like him that are causing the fighting. However if they win the war, then there are just people just like them on the other side who fight against them thinking that by winning the war, they can get a better life. But doing this ruins the lives of countless other people. If people really wanted to save their country, they would stop fighting and realize how much the wars have just destroyed the country. In church we were taught that Jesus died to save his people. In the army, they teach us to die to kill our people.

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